
Pre-compiled binaries

Pre-compiled binaries are available on the releases page.

Fetching binaries with cURL

You can download binaries with curl like so (replace X.Y.Z with a real version number, LANG with a supported language, and TARGET with your OS):

curl -sSL -o tree-crasher-LANG

Build from source

To install from source, you'll need to install Rust and Cargo. Follow the instructions on the Rust installation page.

From a release on

You can build a released version from To install the latest release of tree-crasher for the language <LANG>, run:

cargo install tree-crasher-<LANG>

This will automatically download the source from, build it, and install it in Cargo's global binary directory (~/.cargo/bin/ by default).

From the latest unreleased version on Github

To build and install the very latest unreleased version, run:

cargo install --git tree-crasher-LANG

From a local checkout

See the developer's guide.


To uninstall, run cargo uninstall tree-crasher-<LANG>.