
Pass a list of Soufflé Datalog files to souffle-lint lint, or pass one on stdin:

# Lint a single file:
souffle-lint lint file.dl
# Lint a file from stdin:
souffle-lint lint <file.dl
# Lint two files:
souffle-lint lint file.dl path/to/file2.dl
# Lint all the Soufflé Datalog files the current directory:
souffle-lint lint ./**/*.dl

The exit code will be 0 if souffle-lint succeeded with no warnings, 1 if there were any warnings, or 2 if there was a problem (e.g., a parse error or bad configuration).

See --help for more options and Configuration for configuration.

On the C Pre-Processor#

Soufflé runs the C pre-processor (CPP) on Datalog files by default, and it is customary for developers to use its functionality. The souffle-lint parser does not handle CPP directives, but it’s still recommended to run souffle-lint before you run the pre-processor, for the following reasons.

The parser is highly robust to syntax errors and souffle-lint will ignore them by default.

Running the C pre-processor before souffle-lint can result in false positives, e.g. you might have

fact(MACRO_VAR + 1).

where MACRO_VAR is a definition given to the pre-processor. If you run the pre-processor before souffle-lint and define MACRO_VAR to be an integer like 5, this fact would run afowl of the simpl-binop-const rule.

Furthermore, souffle-lint doesn’t (yet) take advantage of the #line directives in the CPP output, so the line numbers in its output won’t correspond to your source file if you run the pre-processor first.