
Adding Rules#

You can add new rules to a YAML configuration file and pass it to lint via the --config flag:

souffle-lint lint --config rules.yml program.dl

See Writing Rules for how to write rules.

Ignoring Rules#

Ignoring a specific warning on a specific line is not yet implemented.

Via the CLI#

Each rule has an associated name. These names are visible in the list shown by the info command, and also in warning messages. For example, in the following message, the rule name is error-dup-type-decl:

warn[error-dup-type-decl] Duplicated type declaration

You can disable a rule entirely by passing --ignore=<rule-name> on the command line. In fact, you can pass a prefix to --ignore; any rules that start with that prefix will be ignored. For example, --ignore=simpl will disable any rules with names starting with simpl. See Categories for information about common prefixes.

Via a Configuration File#

You can also add a key ignore: to a YAML configuration file:

- some-rule-name
- another-rule-name

and pass --config to lint

souffle-lint lint --config ignores.yml program.dl

Slow Rules#

Rules with slow execution times are disabled by default, you can enable them with souffle-lint lint --slow.