Bunched Logic

A logic that forms the foundation for separation logic.


Q. What are the two novel logical connectives in bunched logic?

A. ∗ and -∗

Q. In bunched logic, what are the two conjunction-like connectives?

A. ∧ and ∗

Q. In bunched logic, what are the two implication-like connectives?

A. → and -∗

Q. In bunched logic, which of the two conjunctions is called multiplicative, and which is called additive?

A. ∧ is additive and ∗ is multiplicative

Q. In bunched logic, which of the two implications is called multiplicative, and which is called additive?

A. → is additive and -∗ is multiplicative

Q. In bunched logic, how are the ∗ and -∗ connectives related?

A. By the deduction theorem: A ∗ B ⊢ C iff A ⊢ B -∗ C

Q. In bunched logic, what is the name of the "," operator on contexts?

A. Multiplicative composition

Q. In bunched logic, what is the name of the ";" operator on contexts?

A. Additive composition

Q. In bunched logic, what is the introduction rule for ∗?

A. Γ ⊢ A and Δ ⊢ B yield Γ, Δ ⊢ A ∗ B

Q. In bunched logic, what is the introduction rule for ∧?

A. Γ ⊢ A and Δ ⊢ B yield Γ; Δ ⊢ A ∧ B

Q. In bunched logic, which of the "," and ";" operators supports weakening and contraction?

A. ";"