Terminal User Interface#

Here’s what you’ll see when opening up the TUI:

││start:               2022-09-02 15:14:55││
││now:                 2022-09-02 15:14:57││
││duration:                             1s││
││execs:                               100││
││execs/sec:                           100││
││last new:                             1s││
││pool:                                  1││
││missing:                                ││
││stuck:                                  ││
││<start>:                               1││

Press the up arrow key to show the TUI help:

││start: time when czz was started           ││
││now: current time                          ││
││duration: difference between now and start ││
││execs: total number of executions of target││
││execs/sec: executions per second           ││
││last new: time since last new coverage     ││
││pool: number of seeds in seed pool         ││
││missing: library functions with no model   ││
││ESC: exit                                  ││
││up: toggle help                            ││